Every young Catholic should know the story of Fatima. The examples of the three children who were integral to the events, the message of love and repentance, and the many miracles of Fatima will teach your student the way to holiness. The events at Fatima have been called the most miraculous occurrences since Biblical times, with effects that spread across the entire globe. Through these events and their effects, God has communicated His love and His forgiveness to the whole world.
The author of The Children of Fatima and Our Lady's Message to the World, Mary Fabyan Windeatt, was known as "the storyteller of the saints." In the 1950s and 60s, she wrote over 20 historical fiction novels on the saints, bringing to life these holy men and women for young readers across the world. These timeless classics have educated young men and women in virtue since their publication in the 1950s. All the stories tell the lives of saints in an engaging way, detailing their life, virtues, struggles, and countless adventures.